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Big Game Shank

Fish-Skull Chocklett’s Articulated Big Game Shank
Blane Chocklett’s version of the Fish-Skull Articulated Shank is designed for large,
articulated flies used when hunting river, lake and sea monsters!
The Articulated Big Game Shank is optimized for both strength and fly length allowing you
to tie big flies that can hook, hold and land large, predatory game-fish.

Key Features:
Heavier gauge wire that can handle more materials and hold bigger fish.
Extended length shanks, with oversized front and back loops for bigger hooks.
Offset front and back loops for inter-connectivity
Three lengths: 28mm (1 1/8”), 40mm (1 5/8”) and 80mm (3 1/8”).
Stainless steel for saltwater flies.

28 mm - 20 pcs.
40 mm - 16 pcs.
80 mm - 12 pcs.
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